Exploring cities is great. And many people choose to do that once they relocate or whenever they can travel. When you are interested in cities, finding and deciding which one you want to explore, when, and for how long is easy. But when you are interested in wildlife and nature in general, you must try to find what you are looking for. Many places in Illinois for nature lovers hide certain natural gems, and you should visit them. And we prepared some of the most beautiful ones for you in this article. So, feel more than free to add them to your list of places to visit. We all have our preferences, so try to find something according to your own. You will have more than enough time to explore everything.

First among the places in Illinois for nature lovers is Glencoe

Let’s start with a place that anyone who likes seeing nature around them can visit but not being deep in the woods. Near Chicago is a suburb of Glencoe, where you can find the Chicago Botanic Garden. This is a huge garden where you can walk around and enjoy it all day. Believe it or not, Chicago Botanic Gardens is one of the best museums in the world. And you can also find conservation science centers there. The best thing about this place is that it is not just one basic garden, but the 28th of them. Each one is placed in the right spot within 285 acres of distance. One interesting fact is that parts of this garden are placed on nine islands with 6 miles of lake shoreline. 

You don’t have to be an extreme nature lover to enjoy this garden. There is a little bit of everything, and you are very near Chicago. So, you can walk away if you don’t feel like spending your time there anymore. Also, you should know that they have various shows and events each season. So right now, you can still enjoy the Orchid Show: Magnified. Whenever you decide to go there, one thing is for sure. You won’t be disappointed. This is also a great choice when you are moving here because you can count on your movers for whatever assistance you may need. And while they worry about the hard part of the move, you can explore these miraculous gardens.

A lake and trees on a sunny day in one of the places in Illinois.

If you want to have a picnic in one of the best places in Illinois for nature lovers, Chicago Botanic Gardens is the right place for you.

You can’t miss Matthiessen State Park in Utica

Because of the weather and snow, this park is closed during February and March. However, when it gets warmer and sunnier, in April, right away, you have to visit this place. Matthiessen State Park is very near Starved Rock. Starved Rock is a trendy place and spot in Illinois, but we believe Matthiessen is better in every way. First, it is enormous, and you can spend more than one-day camping and having the full nature experience. You will be able to find many waterfalls that are hidden in the woods, canyons, and various interesting tree formations. For sure, this place is known for its dells, so make sure to bring boots because lower dells are usually muddy. You should get out of the city for even a few days and enjoy this amazing nature.

Zion is one of the places in Illinois for nature lovers that many people love

Illinois, unfortunately, doesn’t have beach ridge shorelines anymore. There is only one of them remaining still to this day, and it is located in Zion. In Zion, Lake Michigan is where you can find Illinois Beach State Park. It is 6.5 miles long beach, and the park is spread over 4,000 acres. There are also more than 700 species of plants, and you will get to see many stunning views along the way. Make sure to bring your swimsuit because the water in the lake is perfectly clear and great for swimming. However, we suggest you go there on a hot and sunny day.

 Snow on the Illinois Beach.

During winter you won’t be able to swim in the lake, so it is worth waiting a little longer to go there.

Something a little bit more challenging to explore is in Belknap

Not everyone enjoys swamps, greenish vibes, and spooky places. But some nature lovers are, and this is definitely a great place for them. Cache River Natural Area is literally a huge swamp, and everything around you is a vivid green color. Because of that, many people assume they will encounter an alligator, but don’t worry, there are none, and it is a perfectly safe place. However, there are snakes, so you must watch out for them. Here, you can enjoy cypress trees that are over 1000 years old. If you want to spend a weekend like no other in Illinois, this is one of the places where you should go.

And finally, among the best places in Illinois, there is a place for Gods

In Herod, there is a place called the Garden of the Gods. It is among the best in the United States for people who love enjoying nature. You will find not just a random usual garden but an entire rock formation over 300 million years old. And you should know that this place has the best views for both sunrises and sunsets. So, there is an idea.

Rocks and trees in Herod on a cloudy day.

There rocks are great for taking amazing pictures as well.

Encourage yourself to explore even more

Now you know some of the best places in Illinois for nature lovers that will definitely take your breath away. But you should know that this is not everything. There are even more places you should explore and discover. So don’t hesitate. Feel free to wander around and encourage yourself to explore more places each day you can.